In this day and age, it’s almost a crime to state that you’re not breastfeeding. I mean "OMG, it’s the healthiest way for your baby to receive all of their nutrients!”. You’re often reminded of all the calories your body will burn as you breastfeed, "why would you not breastfeed?!" Well, let’s talk about it. For one, it hurts, like hell! You've already suffered from sore breast and sore nipples throughout your pregnancy, did you know it only gets worst from there? Your baby has no idea what he or she is doing, and neither do you, this is a learning process for both you and baby. Lastly, the world can make you feel like you have failed because you may need to use a supplement. Sometimes you just don’t produce enough milk to feed your baby, but mom guess what! That is okay, both breastfeeding and formula feeding are nutritious ways to feed your baby. If breastfeeding is for you, we've got just the thing to help with your pain in the process. Our kits include a nursing butter that soothes and restores raw and cracked nipples, it's also safe for your little one. #postpartum #newbaby #postpartumanxiety #virtualsupport #breastfeeding #parenting #ppd #blackwomenbusinessowners #doulasupport #letsdoulathis #laboranddelivery #blackwomenrock #postnataldepression #motherhood #perinatalmentalhealth #pregnancy #pregnancysupport #postpartumdepression #postpartumjourney #newmom #postpartumawareness #postpartumbody #momlife #maternalmentalhealth