Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression

Becoming a new mom, you are faced with stress, sleep deprivation, a sudden change of hormones, and your new duties may become completely overwhelming. When this lasts for more than a few weeks, these feelings can turn into postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a serious condition no mom is really prepared for. You may experience anxiety, sleepless nights, guilt, and even develop suicidal thoughts. During this time, there are many helpful tools and resources available to you; one being the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, never be afraid to seek help when you feel you need it most. #depressionsurvivor #stigmafighter #itsokaynottobeokay #depressionawareness #depressionhelp #stigmafree #mom #stigma #stopthestigma #itsoktonotbeok #depressionhurts #beatdepression #pregnancy #endthestigma #depressionwarrior #itsoknottobeok #ppd #depression #postpartum #depressionandanxiety #depressive #bekind #depressionsupport #depressionisreal #fuckdepression #breakthestigma #nostigma #depressionkills #itsokaytonotbeokay

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